Mobile Solution to manage tasks and communication with your employees / team

Web-O-Cloud Solutions, specialist in developing custom Web and Mobile applications, has developed a solution to simplify the process of task tracking, client location visits, team communications and reporting for all managers and his team members.

Task Management / Location Tracking

Managers can create and schedule tasks and assign to employees. ...Employee get timely reminders as per schedule and he demarcates the work by checking in and out of the work enabling the managers capture the actual time taken and location of the employee when it was performed.

Document Exchange

Documents can be uploaded by a client for the task or by an employee.... Making documents exchange very easy. Clients can upload their KYC / task related documents (or vice versa) and can be accessed by either party easily.

Offline features

taskZY© works offline and still captures the task status ... and location of the employee when it submits the task. Next when the network becomes available, the information is uploaded to the cloud making it available to the manager later for reporting.

Work From Home

A very easy and convenient way to track all the work done from ... home as it allows a check-in and check-out from the desktop and a detailed report with time and task details can be generated at the end of the day.


Management reporting includes task report with estimates v/s ... actual time taken with location details for every employee.

Continuous Location Tracking

On behalf of your firm and with employees’ consent, the ... taskZY© app can track employee location continuously every specific minutes and also plots it on the map.


Mobile Solution to manage tasks

Web-O-Cloud Solutions, specialist in developing custom Web and Mobile applications, has developed a solution to simplify the process of task tracking, client location visits, team communications and reporting for all managers and his team members.

Typical application areas are sales / delivery / medical representatives / CA team members / industry auditors – testers etc. Even an elderly person in a family having Alzheimer’s can have taskZY© on his mobile helping his family always be in touch with the person and track him. Using the web component, managers can assign an activity to his/her employee.

Product Features

Web and Mobile interface to manage tasks / locations / reporting

Entirely cloud based and available 24/7

Attendance -Remote attendance management

Schedule & Status - Tasks assignments / monitoring / tracking / reporting

Reports -Import reports in one click from cloud database. Pre-built analytics shows productivity level

Using Google Geo-location - Manager connects with employees on the field. Continuous location tracking of the employees during office time.

Offline tracking – while not on the network, the app keeps tracking the location and task status and uploaded when back on the network.

Mobile Notification - Automatic Reminders as per set Schedules to employees and Provides an easy way of communication while on the field between the employee and his managers

Estimation & Efficiency -Measures the time employee spends on the assignments reflecting it in the efficiency matrix.

Document Exchange - Exchange of documents between Clients, employees and Firm for a particular task or Client.

Email - Once a task is completed an automated Email notification is sent to the client

Dashboard -For easy status and monitoring by the Manager


FAQ's for taskZY

1) What is taskZY?

It is a Task Management Software tool avaliable on Web and mobile.

2) How does taskZY help you as a Manager?

It helps to track tasks, assign tasks real time,write task details once completed , communicate with the team members in real time, give ranking to employees and pick up the elocation of the employees.

3) How does it work?

taskZY provides user interface on Web to assign tasks to all users departement wise. The team member receives a notification on his mobile with all the details of client and the task. He starts the task - time and date is noted and after completion he writes or records his work and marks Task Completed, which is intimated on run time to the manager.

4) How is Software Model?

taskZY is hosted on the Cloud platform is available 24x7.

5) Is my data safe?

To prevent theft and ensure that only authorized users have access to your data at all times, we have put the following security policies in place on all our data centers:

Restricted access through logins and otp(if opted for)

Audited access to consumer data.

Encrypted connections between our facility and Cloud Services.

Technology-leading hardware firewall with intrusion detection and protection.

6) What securities parameters are in place to protect our data on cloud?

taskZY is built on the Amazon cloud platform. Amazon Cloud computing provides high level security for data protection and servers. Most of our services are deployed on secure environment which is govern by Amazon Security protocols. For more information please visit Amazon Cloud Security knowledge base.

7) How do I get support?

Please contact us at

For Technical Queries

8) Is there support for the users?

We provide user manual to our customers once their setup is ready. We also have team to give step by step guidance if you are stuck anywhere. Please contact us or email the issue.