Factory Safety Test Automation System on Web and Mobile

Web-O-Cloud Solutions, specialist in developing custom Web and Mobile applications, has developed a solution to simplify the process of testing and reporting for all consultants and competent persons who work under Factories Act 1948

Client / Internal Workorder / Invoice

The software starts by entering workorder received from the ... client and against one workorder you can have multiple Internal work orders and each internal workorder has one Invoice.

Report Entries / Cloning / Printing in PDF

After testing is done you can add all the details in the system for a ... single report and then just click Clone and it will copy the data to all the number of certificates as mentioned in the workorder.

Anytime/Anywhere on the GO

Software is easily accessible anywhere , anytime on the ... web as well as on mobile and in urgency you can take printouts right on the fly .Data of certificates can be filled from anywhere by the authorized person at the ease (Like sitting at home).

Dashboard /Reports

Easy monitoring of busy events / reminders and business excep...tions helps business track and take timely decisions helping bring in efficiency and real time auctioning.

Signature Authority Calendar

You can easily avoid clashes of dates of attendance at plant ... and signature of the signature authority by maintaining their calendar to avoid any legal issues.

Cloning of Workorder /editing of Reports

On Next Due date you have to just clone the previous Approved ... workorder on one click. Once the whole workorder is cloned , you can edit the old data in excel format on the screen itself. You can also add/ delete new form as per new workorder received.


Factory Safety Test Automation System on Web and Mobile

Web-O-Cloud Solutions, specialist in developing custom Web and Mobile applications, has developed a solution to simplify the process of testing and reporting for all consultants and competent persons who work under Factories Act 1948.

By Definition, a Competent Person is a person or an institution recognized as such by the Chief Inspector for the purposes of carrying out tests, examinations and inspections required to be done in a factory under the provisions of this Act having regard to the Factories Act 1948.

The competent person or the consultant is obligated to produce a test results document with all the details of the tests performed under different conditions and the state of the instrument or machine. The competent person or consultant can also recommend improvements / repairs to bring the instrument or machine back to the satisfactory level.

The whole process produces a lot of documentation and it needs to be submitted to the client and the government authorities. These instruments or machines need to be tested periodically according to the state laws.

Product Features

Web based application for simplification of testing and reporting process under Factories Act in major Indian states.

Document Repository- Centralized for easy Storage and retrieval of Testing Information and States mandated Legal forms

Dashboard with critical data and timely alerting and management reporting

User-friendly interface and helping users to prepare state mandated forms quickly reducing overall turnaround time.

Managing Work Orders and Invoicing the clients

Overall effect shows boost in the business productivity.

Covered instruments under the Factories Act like Pressure Vessels, Piping, Heat Exchangers, Chain pulley blocks, safety valves, lifting tools and tackles EOT cranes, Tower cranes, Gantry Cranes, Hydras, Cherry-pickers, Hoists, Chain Pulley Blocks, Winches, Goods Lifts, lifting tackles/gear

Above instruments are covered under 12 states across India.

Various reports such as Log Reports, Signature Authority reports



1) What is TECTO?

It is a tool for printing testing reports tested under the Factories Act -1948.

2) How does TECTO help you as a competent person?

It helps you with due date reminders,log reports, to manage conflict of signature dates by maintaining calendar, it helps you clone previous orders and print reports in 10 minutes and it is avaliable 24x7.

3) How does it work?

TECTO provides user interface on Web and mobile to capture orders, fill instrument details, print pdf reports,attach digitial signature on the reports and email it to the client. It provides log report, excel to upload on govertment portal and signature authority calendar.

4) How is Software Model?

TECTO is hosted on the Cloud platform is available 24x7.

5) Is my data safe?

To prevent theft and ensure that only authorized users have access to your data at all times, we have put the following security policies in place on all our data centers:

Restricted access through logins and otp(if opted for)

Audited access to consumer data.

Encrypted connections between our facility and Cloud Services.

Technology-leading hardware firewall with intrusion detection and protection.

6) What securities parameters are in place to protect our data on cloud?

TECTO is built on the Amazon cloud platform. Amazon Cloud computing provides high level security for data protection and servers. Most of our services are deployed on secure environment which is govern by Amazon Security protocols. For more information please visit Amazon Cloud Security knowledge base.https://aws.amazon.com/security/

7) How do I get support?

Please contact us at

For Technical Queries


8) Is there support for the users?

We provide user manual to our customers once their setup is ready. We also have team to give step by step guidance if you are stuck anywhere. Please contact us or email the issue.